Our chapter birders got a front-row seat to fall migration Saturday, Oct. 7, at our Fred Archibald Sanctuary in Mount Airy for the Big Sit. This annual international birding event was founded by the New Haven (Connecticut) Bird Club.

Count circle for ASCM chapter birders at Fred Archibald Sanctuary / image by Angela Moxley

Birders were challenged to see how many birds they could identify while staying within a 17-foot diameter circle. They engaged in a friendly competition with birders from the Frederick Bird Club, who birded in a circle at our Audrey Carroll Sanctuary in Mount Airy.

Our ASCM chapter team earned the coveted Golden Falcon trophy, observing a total of 56 species compared to the FBC’s 51. The two groups observed 63 species in all.

In addition to a community science event to gather data on migration, the Big Sit is a fundraiser for our all-volunteer chapter. There is still time to make a tax-deductible contribution in support of our birders (be sure to select “the Big Sit” in the Additional Information field when you check out). Checks payable to ASCM may be sent to PO Box 660, Mount Airy, MD 21771.

Your donation helps us maintain nearly 300 acres of habitat for birds and other wildlife. Thank you for your support!

What Birds Did We See?

The following list includes the 63 species observed by ASCM and Frederick Bird Club birders for the 2023 Big Sit. Species observed at only one sanctuary are denoted with the sanctuary initials (AC for Audrey Carroll and FA for Fred Archibald).

In addition to birds flying over or near the count circle, birders identified species via a recording made from the Fred Archibald count circle during the dawn chorus. The resulting sonograms were compared with sonograms of known species to make the identification.

Birds identified in this way included chipping sparrow, Savannah sparrow, vesper sparrow, and white-throated sparrow.


Canada goose

wood duck (FA)

mallard (FA)

wood duck/image by Mick Thompson

Pigeons and Doves

rock pigeon (FA)

mourning dove


chimney swift

Vultures, Hawks and Allies

northern harrier

black vulture

turkey vulture

northern harrier (AC)

sharp-shinned hawk

Cooper's hawk

bald eagle

red-shouldered hawk

red-tailed hawk


eastern screech-owl

great horned owl

barred owl

yellow-bellied sapsucker


belted kingfisher


yellow-bellied sapsucker (AC)

red-headed woodpecker

red-bellied woodpecker

downy woodpecker

hairy woodpecker

pileated woodpecker

northern flicker

Falcons and Caracaras

American kestrel

American kestrel

peregrine falcon

Tyrant Flycatchers, Pewees, Kingbirds, and Allies

eastern phoebe

Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens

blue jay

American crow

common raven

Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice

Carolina chickadee

tufted titmouse

ruby-crowned kinglet

Martins and Swallows

tree swallow


ruby-crowned kinglet (FA)

golden-crowned kinglet


white-breasted nuthatch


Carolina wren

Starlings and Mynas

European starling

cedar waxwing

Catbirds, Mockingbirds, and Thrushes

gray catbird

brown thrasher (AC)

northern mockingbird


eastern bluebird

Swainson's thrush

wood thrush (AC)

American robin


cedar waxwing

savannah sparrow/image by Mick Thompson

Finches, Euphonias, and Allies

house finch

American goldfinch

New World Sparrows

chipping sparrow (FA)

field sparrow

white-throated sparrow

vesper sparrow (FA)

savannah sparrow (FA)

yellow-rumped warbler/image by Mick Thompson

song sparrow

swamp sparrow (FA)

eastern towhee


red-winged blackbird

brown-headed cowbird (AC)

common grackle (FA)

Wood Warblers

common yellowthroat

yellow-rumped warbler

northern cardinal