Nature Walks — Audubon Society of Central Maryland

Nature Walks


We have a variety of Nature Walks planned for the year. These walks are designed to introduce you to the great resources of our two Audubon Sanctuaries, near the towns of Mount Airy and New Market, Maryland. We welcome and encourage the participation of anyone who is interested in exploring and learning more about nature. All of our walks are free, and appropriate for your entire family.

The Nature Walks will be held on the 3rd Saturday of the month, starting at 9:00 AM (unless otherwise noted), and last about two hours. Always be sure to check our Calendar page for the latest details and updates.  Please note that walks may be cancelled in case of severe weather conditions and that limited restroom facilities are only available at the ACAS sanctuary, and only during the warmer months.

ACAS: Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary (view map)

FAAS: Fred Archibald Audubon Sanctuary (view map)

Learn more at:

  • A Gazette Article on a January Walk (view Gazette article)

  • A Carroll County Times Article on our Nature Walks and Activities (view Times article)