Wildlife Resources
Learning about Monarchs
National Audubon Society: www.audubon.org/
Audubon Maryland DC: http://md.audubon.org/
Cornell Lab of Ornithology: http://www.birds.cornell.edu
Maryland Native Plant Society: www.mdflora.org/
Maryland Ornithological Society: www.mdbirds.org/
Monocacy & Catoctin Watershed Alliance: www.watershed-alliance.com/
Monarch (butterfly) Watch: www.monarchwatch.org/
Maryland Bird Rescue/Rehab Resources:
Got cats? Learn how to protect vulnerable wildlife from your fuzzy and loveable little predator(s)
Overcoming Nature-Deficit Disorder: Fun and Fulfilling Outdoor Activities for Your Children Article by Jenny Miller
Bird Baths and Deicers - made in USA http://www.farminnovators.com/wildbird.html
Find a baby bird or mammal? Here’s how you can help.