Birdathon 2022 Results

April 23 through May 22, 2022, bird lovers celebrated migration in our area by venturing into their yards and neighborhoods to document the species they observed.

Audubon Society of Central Maryland birders at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary for Birdathon 2022; image by David Smith

They were joined by expert birders who headed out before dawn to our two sanctuaries, the Fred Archibald Sanctuary in New Market and the Audrey Carroll Sanctuary in Mount Airy, on May 7 and May 15, respectively, to mark down as many species as they could find.

Our chapter birders collected donations and pledges in support of their quest, as did other Birdathoners, while some participants joined simply for the love of birds.

The following list catalogs the 112 species Birdathon participants reported to us. Species marked with italics were observed by our expert birders only; species marked with an asterisk were observed by backyard birders only.

There is still time to make a tax-deductible contribution in support of Birdathon. Your donation supports our efforts to manage nearly 300 acres of habitat for birds and other wildlife in central Maryland. Thank you for your support!


Bitterns, Herons and Egrets

indigo bunting (female) at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Black-Crowned Night Heron*

Great Blue Heron

Great Egret*

Yellow-Crowned Night Heron*

Blackbirds, Orioles, and Kin

Baltimore Oriole


indigo bunting (male) at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Brown-headed Cowbird

Common Grackle

Orchard Oriole

Red-winged Blackbird

Cardinals and Kin

Indigo Bunting

Northern Cardinal

Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

alder flycatcher at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

great crested flycatcher at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari


Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher

eastern wood-pewee at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Hawks, Eagles, and Kin

Bald Eagle

Cooper’s Hawk


Red-Shouldered Hawk

Red-Tailed Hawk

Sharp-Shinned Hawk*

blue-gray gnatcatcher with nesting material at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari


Ruby-Throated Hummingbird

Jays and Crows

American Crow

Blue Jay

Common Raven*

Fish Crow


Golden-crowned Kinglet*

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Lapwings and Plovers



Brown Thrasher

Gray Catbird

Northern Mockingbird

New World Sparrows

eastern towhee at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Chipping Sparrow

field sparrow at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Eastern Towhee

Field Sparrow

Grasshopper Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Swamp Sparrow*

White-Crowned Sparrow*

White-Throated Sparrow

New World Vultures

Black Vulture

turkey vulture eggs at Fred Archibald Sanctuary / image by David Smith

Turkey Vulture


White-breasted Nuthatch

Old World Sparrows

House Sparrow


Barred Owl

great horned owl at Fred Archibald Sanctuary / image by David Smith

Eastern Screech Owl*

Great Horned Owl

Pigeons and Doves

Mourning Dove

Rock Pigeon*


Solitary Sandpiper


European Starling


tree swallow at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Barn Swallow

Cliff Swallow*

Purple Martin

Tree Swallow


Chimney Swift


scarlet tanager at Fred Archibald Sanctuary / image by David Smith

Scarlet Tanager


American Robin

Swainson’s thrush at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by David Smith

Eastern Bluebird

Hermit Thrush

Swainson's Thrush

Wood Thrush



Wild Turkey

Tyrant Flycatchers

Acadian Flycatcher

Alder Flycatcher

Eastern Kingbird

Eastern Phoebe

Eastern Wood-Pewee

Great Crested Flycatcher

Willow Flycatcher*


Red-eyed Vireo

Warbling Vireo

White-eyed Vireo

Yellow-throated Vireo


American redstart at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by David Smith

American Redstart

Bay-breasted Warbler

bay-breasted warbler at Audrey Carroll / image by Emilio Concari

Black-and-white Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Green Warbler

black-throated blue warbler at Fred Archibald Sanctuary / image by David Smith

Blackpoll Warbler

Blue-Winged warbler

Canada Warbler

blue-winged warbler at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary / image by Emilio Concari

Cape May Warbler

Chestnut-Sided Warbler

Common Yellowthroat

Louisiana Waterthrush

Magnolia Warbler

Northern Parula

Northern Waterthrush*


Pine Warbler

Prairie Warbler*

Yellow-Breasted Chat

Yellow-Rumped Warbler

Yellow Warbler


Cedar Waxwing


Downy Woodpecker

Hairy Woodpecker

Northern Flicker

Pileated Woodpecker

Red-bellied Woodpecker

Red-headed woodpecker


Carolina Wren

House Wren