Birdathon 2024 Results

April 20 through May 19, 2024, bird lovers celebrated migration in our area by venturing into their yards and neighborhoods to document the species they observed.

They were joined by expert birders who headed out before dawn to our two sanctuaries, the Fred Archibald Sanctuary in New Market and the Audrey Carroll Sanctuary in Mount Airy, on May 4 and May 12, respectively, to mark down as many species as they could find.

Our chapter birders collected donations and pledges in support of their quest, as did other Birdathoners, while some participants joined simply for the love of birds.

Highlights spotted by participants included 24 species of wood warblers, nine species of native sparrows, and the more rarely spotted alder flycatcher, bobolink, and horned lark (observed by our expert birders at Audrey Carroll Sanctuary).

The following list catalogs the 115 species Birdathon participants reported to us; 91 of these were observed by our expert birders. Species marked with italics were observed by our expert birders only; species marked with an asterisk were observed by backyard birders only.

There is still time to make a tax-deductible contribution in support of Birdathon. Your donation supports our efforts to manage nearly 300 acres of habitat for birds and other wildlife in central Maryland. Thank you for your support!



Audubon Society of Central Maryland birders at Fred Archibald Sanctuary for Birdathon 2023; image by David Smith

Canada goose


Quail, Grouse, and Allies

Wild turkey


Yellow-billed cuckoo

Pigeons and Doves

Rock pigeon*

Mourning dove


Chimney swift


Ruby-throated hummingbird



Solitary sandpiper

Herons and Allies

Great blue heron

Green heron

Yellow-crowned night heron*

Vultures, Hawks, and Allies

Black vulture

Turkey vulture


Northern harrier*

Sharp-shinned hawk*

Cooper’s hawk

Red-shouldered hawk

Red-tailed hawk

Bald eagle


Barred owl


Red-headed woodpecker

Red-bellied woodpecker

Downy woodpecker

Hairy woodpecker

Pileated woodpecker

Northern flicker

Tyrant Flycatchers

Eastern wood-pewee

Alder flycatcher at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary / image by Crystal Kunst (all rights reserved)

Acadian flycatcher

Alder flycatcher

Eastern phoebe

Great crested flycatcher

Eastern kingbird


White-eyed vireo

Yellow-throated vireo*

Blue-headed vireo*

Warbling vireo*

Purple martins at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary / image by Crystal Kunst (all rights reserved)

Red-eyed vireo

Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens

Blue jay

American crow

Fish crow

Common raven*


Horned lark

Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice

Carolina chickadee

Tree swallow at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary / image by Crystal Kunst (all rights reserved)

Tufted titmouse

Martins and Swallows

Purple martin

Tree swallow

Northern rough-winged swallow

Barn swallow


Ruby-crowned kinglet / image by Liz Kappes (all rights reserved)

Ruby-crowned kinglet*


White-breasted nuthatch


Blue-gray gnatcatcher

gray catbird at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary / image by Crystal Kunst (all rights reserved)


House wren

Carolina wren


European starling

Catbirds, Mockingbirds, and Thrashers

Gray catbird

Brown thrasher

Northern mockingbird


wood thrush / image by Liz Kappes (all rights reserved)

Eastern bluebird


Swainson's thrush

Hermit thrush*

Wood thrush

American robin


Cedar waxwing

Old World Sparrows

House sparrow

Finches, Euphonias, and Allies

field sparrow at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary / image by Crystal Kunst (all rights reserved)

white-throated sparrow / image by Liz Kappes

House finch

American goldfinch

New World Sparrows

Cerulean warbler at Audrey Carroll Audubon Sanctuary / image by Crystal Kunst (all rights reserved)

Eastern towhee

Chipping sparrow

Field sparrow

Song sparrow

Swamp sparrow*

Dark-eyed junco*

White-throated sparrow

Savannah sparrow*

Yellow-Breasted Chat

Yellow-breasted chat


Eastern meadowlark

Red-winged blackbird

Common grackle

Brown-headed cowbird

Orchard oriole

Baltimore oriole




Louisiana waterthrush*

Northern waterthrush

Black-and-white warbler

Cerulean warbler

Yellow warbler

yellow-rumped warbler / image by Liz Kappes

Common yellowthroat

American redstart

Northern parula

Blackburnian warbler

Chestnut-sided warbler

Blackpoll warbler

Cape May warbler

Magnolia warbler*

Tennessee warbler*

Black-throated blue warbler

Palm warbler

Pine warbler

Yellow-rumped warbler

Yellow-throated warbler*

Black-throated green warbler

Blue-winged warbler

Wilson’s warbler*

Canada warbler

Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies

Scarlet tanager

Northern cardinal

Rose-breasted grosbeak

Blue grosbeak

Indigo bunting