Sponsor ASCM’s Monarch Tagging
How do monarchs migrate from Maryland to wintering grounds in Mexico?
Help find out! September 17, 9 am, Audrey Carroll Wildlife Sanctuary. Bring a net if you have one!
Monarch butterflies are in peril. Habitat loss, pesticides, and climate change all threaten these amazing animals.
Your donation will help study & protect monarch butterflies by supporting ASCM’s annual tagging event. It’s free and family-friendly.
Individual donations of any size and business sponsorships will help assure that ASCM keeps making a home for migrating monarch butterflies.
Sponsorship levels:
Level 1 - Caterpillar $100 Logo on website, social media, newsletter
Level 2 - Chrysalis $250 Level 1, plus logo on sign at tagging event; opportunity to share flyers, coupons with attendees
Level 3 - Migrating Monarch $500 Level 1, 2, plus private sanctuary tour for your staff
Level 4 - Champion Migrator $1000 Level 1, 2, 3, and sponsorship of Monarch webinar
Please donate at the button below, or mail check to ASCM, P.O. Box 660, Mt. Airy, MD 21771. Thank you!